Film Genres » Film Genres » Family Film

Illusion (Instrumental)


Heaven Sent


Ghosts (Instrumental)


Don’t Go Now (Instrumental)


Don’t Go Now


Buon’ Anima






Jim Camacho

One of South Florida’s most renowned singers, songwriters and multi-talented musicians, Jim Camacho marks another milestone in his distinguished career with the release of a new five-song EP, Everywhere (Forward Motion/Broken Records), his first collection of new songs since his … Continue reading

Training Day



Upon one listen, Automagik sends you on a magikal journey through time and space. This goofy, energetic, shmow pow of music is just what you need to get a-goin’. So pop open a can of caffeinated drink, and open your … Continue reading

Adrian Cox

Having always been exposed to a diverse rang of music, it was only natural that with this kind of background many influences would cascade from Adrian Cox. Doing soundtracks is where it all blends together so he can create interesting … Continue reading

I Wanna Know


Back In Business


Dark Passenger


Dark Over You


India – Instrumental


Aware Alert Alive


Aware Alert Alive


