Fun and driving rock piece with a high energy vibe great for any sports feature or beer commercial in any media. Gives your audience the feel of gatherings with friends and family, sporting events, motor sports, and having a great time. Hard rock cue that moves: NASCAR NHRA football soccer baseball basketball driving running jumping flowing canoeing biking fitness exercise boxing Action, Alcohol / Drinking, Sports, Running, Motorcycle Confident, Dramatic, Intense, Strong, Uplifting, Wholesome, Edgy, Energetic, Hot, Purposeful, Stirring, Stimulating, Heated, Dynamic, Striking, Bold, Vibrant, Outgoing, Adventurous, Tough Action Adventure, Sports / Cardio, Urban, TV Vocal, Film Vocal, Documentary, Sports / Extreme, Sports / Olympics, Party / General, Radio Production
The perfect song for the teenager looking for answers to questions in their minds. The complications of not being a child and not being an adult. Gives hope to those struggling through their days.